What Happens When I Contact 811?

Anytime someone contacts Kentucky 811, it sets off a chain reaction of responses all intended to help you achieve safer and smoother results from your digging project. Keep reading to see what happens from start to finish when you submit a locate request.

Dig Site is Identified & White Marked

Before you can submit a locate request, you’ll need to identify where you plan to dig. You’ll be asked to describe what type of work you’ll be doing and where the work will be taking place on your ticket.

You’ll also want to“white mark” your dig site using white spray paint or flags. Doing this clearly defines the area of excavation, helping to eliminate potential confusion during the marking process and allowing locators to do their jobs more efficiently.

Locate Request is Submitted Online or Over the Phone

Free locate requests can be submitted through the Kentucky 811 website, via the Kentucky 811 app, or by calling 8-1-1. You can set your work-to-begin date for as little as two full working days out (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) or as many as 14 days out.

You are responsible for contacting non-members and having any private lines at your dig site marked. For information about private utilities and non-members, click here.

Kentucky 811 Notifies Member Utilities of the Request

The team at the Kentucky 811 Call Center will then take the information you provided and distribute it to member utilities in the area. The member utility companies will determine if there are underground facility lines near your dig site or if there is “no conflict.” If there are nearby lines, they will then send a locator to mark the dig site.

Locator(s) Mark Your Dig Site with Flags and/or Paint

Over the next two business days – excluding weekends and holidays – locators will visit your dig site to mark for facility lines. Some locators will mark on behalf of only one member utility, while others may mark on behalf of several at once. Please ensure that your dig site is accessible and clear of any hazards or pets that may interfere with the marking process.

You can use the APWA color code to identify what facilities have been marked at your dig site. Learn more about this under the “What do the marks/flags in my yard mean?” question on our non-professional FAQs page.

Member Utilities Provide Positive Response Statuses

On your selected work-to-begin date, you can check the status of your locate request to ensure that all member utilities have responded. These statuses from member utilities are called “positive response.” You can check ticket status using the link included on the ticket in your confirmation email or by using Ticket Search or the Kentucky 811 mobile app. For more information about positive response, visit our Check Ticket Status page.

Submit a Second Notice if a Member Utility Hasn’t Responded

If the two business days have passed and a member utility has yet to respond, submit a second locate request, also known as a “second notice.” With this, the member utility will be given one extra day to mark the site and provide positive response.

Get Digging!

After you’ve confirmed that all of the member utilities have marked the dig site or confirmed “no conflict,” you’re ready to dig! Keep the tolerance zone in mind and dig with care as you complete your digging project, using hand tools as needed to ensure a safe project for yourself and those around you!

Looking for more information about contacting 811 and locate requests?

Kentucky has a ton of information available for homeowners and other non-professionals on our homeowner “hub,” including answers to frequently asked questions, how to submit a locate request, and more.

You can also contact our team by emailing or click here for live assistance.